Turn Your Site Upside Down in 6 Steps

If you normally struggle to patch the right keyword into relevant places within your web site, in order to encourage the search engine to give the site a high rating, then why not do it the other way round? Try reversing the normal logic and build a web site from the keyword up. It sounds like a strange proposition until you think about it. The keyword acts as a focus and will ensure that the content is always relevant to the search engine. When visitors are sent by a search engine, they will find that the content is extremely rich in the particular keyword that they searched on. That will translate into highly targeted affiliate advertising with a very high conversion rate. It supports the argument that a small number of highly matched keyword visitors are worth more than thousands of generic time-wasters. A by-product of a keyword based site will be an increase in repeat visits and therefore the opportunity to pick up keyword affiliate sales that might have been passed on the first visit. Obviously a sign-in email list is an essential tool to capture these interested visitors, and because of the high level of keyword relevancy the level of opt-in will be higher than normal.

In fact, the more I think about it, the fewer arguments I can find for not building a site bottom up. It is a search engine magnet. So how do you go about it? It is really straight forward if you follow the following steps.

Step 1 - Choose the pivot keyword

The pivot keyword is the one that is at the heart of the site. When someone asks you what the site is about, then this keyword sums it up. It can be as broad or narrow as you like, but remember that the broader it is, the less focussed your visitors will be. A site built around the keyword 'Money' would tend to be less focussed in its content that one based around the keywords, 'Unsecured Loans'. The main point to appreciate is that there is nothing to stop you producing a whole set of web-sites each based around a different keyword that is linked to the main keyword of Money, such as 'Large Cash Investments', 'Managing Credit Cards' and so on. The goal is to enable the search engine visitor to reach their desired keyword search phrase within three clicks of landing at the site. It is easier to do this with a small site, rather than a large one with complex navigation.

Step 2 - Build a List of Linked Keywords

This is very simple, and mainly automatic. Take the pivot keyword and enter it into each of the keyword generators that you have access to. You should only use those keywords that are based on recent search engine terms. In order to maximise the search engine visitors to your site you will want to take all of the top search terms for the pivot keyword and draw up a single composite keyword list. It is at this stage that you may realise that your pivot keyword is too general. An indicator of this is that there a large number of linked keywords that have very high volumes of searches. You may want to select one these as your new Pivot keyword and repeat this step to find a more focussed keyword list.

Step 3 - Create a page list

The pivot keyword will become your home page and you will need to select between 15 and 100 keywords from your list, each of which will become a separate page. The number that you choose will depend upon the time and effort you wish to invest in producing the site as well as the diversity of the linked keywords. Don't be too hasty to judge keyword diversity or to exclude keywords, as the next step will allow you take a more objective view. If in doubt, include a keyword at this stage rather than exclude it. If you want to be clever, then create groups of 3-5 pages and create a hierarchy of keyword pages.

Step 4 -Build page content.

Now it is back to the search engine. For each keyword you are going to build a relevant page based upon a template that includes at least two columns. One column will contain the content that is relevant to the keyword and one will contain the affiliate revenue streams. But where do you get the content from? The best of all answers is that you could write an article for each of the linked keywords. This is an excellent idea, and even if you only write one or two keyword articles, it will be very lucrative as you will be probably be able to syndicate them and create multiple links back to the site. Also search engines will index your keyword articles as source articles and raise you up in the ratings. Ok, I accept that you are not going to write twenty new keyword articles this evening ! The good news is that you don't have to. There are already thousands and thousands of articles already available for you to use. Take each keyword in turn and search for an associated article that you can use without infringing any copyrights. Each article that you find can be placed on the relevant page template. A half way house is to extract ideas from the retrieved articles and refine them into your interpretation of the articles. This then becomes YOUR own article. Any keywords that you can't get a unique match for can be removed from the list. That is why it doesn't matter if you weren't very strict in step 2
Step 5 - Add the Affiliate Revenue Streams

Each page has its own theme based on a keyword phrase and so it shouldn't be too difficult to find a set of suitable affiliate promotions, affiliate schemes or affiliate products that match the content. Don't over do it, after all there can be plenty of pages available in your site. In fact the more pages the better. Try searching the standard sources of affiliate products such as Clickbank, but also scan the search engines for products and services that may not be syndicated or have existing affiliate schemes. The owners of these will very often welcome an approach to sell or promote their products on a specialised site. The result is that you may either become a sole affiliate distributor of a product or sell them advertising space or both. Don't forget Google Adwords and Amazon, both of which will generate adverts automatically based upon your content rich pages!

Step 6 - Add the Extras

There are several extras that a specialised keyword site would benefit from. I have already mentioned the opt-in list, but an extension of this is a forum. You will be receiving visits from a whole group of like-minded individuals. If you can provide a forum for them to communicate then not only have you provided a very useful service, but you will be getting guaranteed return visits. RSS feeds are almost a necessity for this sort of site as they provide continuously changing keyword content and can be targeted for your audience. Use the search engines to find an appropriate feed based on your keyword. Depending upon the site you may want to include a list of relevant or interesting articles. This allows you reciprocate on the articles that you have used in the site. A blog is an excellent way to communicate with your audience. You can provide responses to emails, write reviews of products and generally ensure that your site becomes the centre of a whole community.

Building a site from a single keyword may seem a strange approach, but if you do it properly then it can be one the most effective marketing product that you will construct. A little time spent following these 6 simple steps will result in specialised web-site full of content that is 'keyword rich' and which will be loved by the search engine which in turn will drive highly focussed keyword traffic directly to your revenue streams. If you want to learn of an automated version of this technique then visit my own site http://www.hooverwebdesign.com/cgi-bin/jump/jump.cgi?http://www.best-internet-incomes.com.

1 get money from google
2 Affiliate Marketing Tips To Success
3 karaoke songs for free
4 important tips to improve your website
5 Private Label Resale Rights vs. Creating Your Own
6 Site Content Writing for Keyword Density
7 Content Articles, Keywords, and Web Page Design
8 Content Article Marketing: Make the Most of It
9 Buy Website Content and Increase Your Website
10 Successful Businesses Begin With The Basics
11 Choosing The Right SEO Package
12 Create a User-Friendly Website
13 Role of Meta Title Tag in SEO
14 Thinking About SEO For A New Website
15 Website Designing Tips For Professional Websites
16 Tips for Search Engine Optimization For Websites
17 How To Monitor And Manage Search Engine Results

18 SEO is not an advertising model like PPC
19 The Power of Search Engine Marketing
20 Types Of Web Hosting Servers
21 Affiliate Marketing and Working From Home
22 Things to Consider When Choosing a SEO Firm
23 Create a Flash Template for a Photograghy website
24 How to Avoid Scams When Looking for a Home Business
25 Want To Buy A Business Opportunity?
26 What Types Of Jobs You Can Do To Work From Home
27 Emails On Mobile: Accessing Corporate Emails On Mobile
28 SEO and PPC - Mutual Partners
29 The Essentials of Search Engine Marketing
30 Search Engines or Web Directories
31 The Role of Meta Title Tag in Search Engine Optimition

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